Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mind your Brain - free articles for great learners

Over the hols the South China Morning Young Post kindly published a series of 10 Mind Explosion articles, all about how to become a great Indie (independent) learner. Go to the Young Post Website and LOGIN for free. If you go to LEARNING, and then MIND YOUR BRAIN you can access them. There was lots of positive feedback as they're jammed-packed with great advice!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

15 essential web tools for students

Check out this awesome link to organize your life and become an effective learner this year:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Should written exams be banned?

Are exams a good test of your abilities? If so, why? If you'd like to see exams banned, what form of assessment would you prefer?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What makes you tick?

What's your favorite method to re-learn and recall stacks of notes for your exams? Why does it work for you? Would you like to experiment with your revision methods?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Just started to watch this great movie last night and it got me thinking about memory: how does Jamal remember all the correct answers to factual questions when under pressure? If you got to watch the movie, then post your responses

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mind Explosion Wordle!

The Worldle creator is all about highlighting key terms, ideas and words in text. Just looking at this format can help you focus your thoughts. Try it with a revision topic. Print it out. How can you use it to stimulate memory and learning? Which words would you change: in size and colour?
Check out:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Spend less time revising!

Close the books. Get out of the house. Have some fun! Why? Short, sharp and focused revision sessions will transform your revision journey. Less is more. Any other myths about exams we can throw out the window?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Brain Implosion?

How do you behave in the lead-up to exams? Do you get irritable or frustrated? How does the countdown to exams affect you?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Is doodling good for your memory?

Hhhmmmm...interesting article!
clipped from

Doodling Is Good For Your Noodle

Doodling is often frowned upon in meetings and classrooms, but now
scientists say it might help you remember details in an otherwise boring
presentation. The back-of-the-envelope speculation as to why? Doodlers
don't daydream as much.

blog it